This is Service Design Thinking: Basics - Tools - Cases
Stickdorn & Schneider
Publication Date
December 2010
BIS Publishers, Amsterdam
Photo Credit
This is Service Design Thinking outlines a contemporary approach for service innovation. Service design and design thinking are lately evolving into buzz words for management and business consulting. This is Service Design Thinking strives to unveil the practical meaning behind these terms in everyday use. The book introduces this new way of thinking to beginners but also serves as a reference for professionals.
Although service design and design thinking in general recently gains vast interest by both business and research, until now there was no comprehensive textbook outlining the approach, including its background, process, methods and tools as well as contemporary case studies. A set of 23 international authors created this interdisciplinary textbook applying exactly the same user-centred and co-creative approach it preaches. "The unique visual language of This is Service Design Thinking extends the idea of a classic textbook. Based on workshops and contextual interviews using prototypes of this book, the reader is now supported with various visual aides to facilitate a pleasurable and effective reading experience" highlights Jakob Schneider, co-editor and graphic designer of the book.

Change is a constant: Innovative service concepts and ground-breaking business models outrun established products and services. Social media empowers customers and cause an overdue shift of companies from classic advertisement towards service quality and customer experience. Social media as the customer's megaphone broadcasts the perceived service experience to a growing audience. Thus, the perceived experience becomes the key factor for success of both new and established offerings. This entails business opportunities particularly for small- and medium sized companies, since customer recognition does not necessarily rely on mere market share anymore.

"The strength of service design thinking is that it is not a defined and thus restricted discipline, but rather a common approach and process including various tools and methods rooted in different disciplines from design to engineering, from management to marketing." explains Marc Stickdorn, editor of This is Service Design Thinking. An appendant website to the book offers free downloads of ready-to-use tools such as the Customer Journey Canvas.

From the Back Cover: This is Service Design Thinking introduces an inter-disciplinary approach to designing services. Service design is a bit of a buzzword these days and has gained a lot of interest from various fields. This book, assembled to describe and illustrate the emerging field of service design, was brought together using exactly the same co-creative and user-centred approaches you can read and learn about inside. The boundaries between products and services are blurring and it is time for a different way of thinking: This is service design thinking.

A set of 23 international authors and even more online contributors from the global service design community invested their knowledge, experience and passion together to create this book. It introduces service design thinking in manner accessible to beginners and students, it broadens the knowledge and can act as a resource for experienced design professionals. Besides an introduction to service design thinking through five basic principles, a selection of individual perspectives demonstrate the similarities and differences between various disciplines involved in the design of services. Additionally, the book outlines an iterative design process and showcases 25 adaptable service design tools, exemplifying the practice of service design with five international case studies. The book concludes with an insight into the current state of service design research and sets service design thinking in a philosophical context.

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Heather Daam on May 27, 2011 5:19pm
Clear, well structured, and a great reference!
Nick on March 1, 2012 9:55am
The Swiss Army Knife of Service Design!
Dave Cameron on May 23, 2012 11:47pm
Excellent resource for those looking for an introduction to Service Design and a great reference book thereafter.
Ricardo Salvador on June 4, 2012 8:36pm
The best one!
Ricardo Salvador on June 4, 2012 8:36pm
The best one!
Nathan Ritter on April 20, 2013 5:29pm
Exhaustive repository of service design tools and roles, with a few good case studies.
Sergio Correa de Jesus on June 5, 2013 10:48am
Excellent source of case studies and overviw of the discipline.
alaa on June 18, 2013 6:23am
how can i get it
Gio Magnani on September 2, 2013 10:51pm
Simply perfect.
Samuel R Daines II on March 28, 2014 6:46pm
Excellent. Much needed overview of the methodology and tools of SD.
Tor on July 4, 2014 1:10pm
This is seemingly a great book – but the language it's written in reads like a hundred pitches from different agencies and case studies written in corporate language. It's a good overview but reading it is hard due to the language used. The whole book could be written much much clearer.
Martin Dowson on August 3, 2014 8:52am
This book is like the ultimate index to service design tools and methods. It is not a comprehensive 'how to' of each of those... and some of the examples are a bit lacking in critical detail--however as much of service design overlaps with other disciplines you will be able to find the detail elsewhere. The book's introduction, it's comprehensive coverage of listing the tools/techniques are it's strongest points. As an introduction for anyone to the field (to see what you already have in your arsenal and what you need to work on)--it is excellent
shehryar on February 1, 2016 9:55am
how to download this book?
This is Service Design Thinking: Basics - Tools - Cases
By Stickdorn & Schneider
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  1. Preface
  2. The design beyond the design
  3. Basics
  4. Definitions
  5. Principles of service design thinking
  6. Marketing - Connecting with people, creating value
  7. Product design - Developing products with service applications
  8. Graphic design - Providing visual explanation
  9. Interaction design – services as a series of interactions
  10. Social design - Delivering positive social impact
  11. Strategic managememt - Why corporations do what they do
  12. Operations management - The relentless quest for efficiency
  13. Design ethnography - Taking inspiration from everyday life.
  14. Tools
  15. The iterative process of service design thinking
  16. AT-ONE
  17. Service design tools
  18. This is a toolbox - not a manual
  19. Stakeholder Maps
  20. Service Safaris
  21. Shadowing
  22. Customer Journey Maps
  23. Contextual Interviews
  24. The  Whys
  25. Cultural Probes
  26. Mobile Ethnography
  27. A Day in the Life
  28. Expectation Maps
  29. Personas
  30. Idea generation
  31. What if...
  32. Design Scenarios
  33. Storyboards
  34. Desktop Walkthroughs
  35. Service Prototypes
  36. Service Staging
  37. Agile Development
  38. Co-creation
  39. Storytelling
  40. Service Blueprints
  41. Service Roleplay
  42. Customer Lifecycle Maps
  43. Business Model Canvas
  44. Cases
  45. Case: SEB
  46. Case: University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
  47. Case: Mypolice
  48. Case: Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs
  49. Appendix
  50. Integrating service design thinking and motivational psychology
  51. Service design research - yesterday, today and tomorrow
  52. Service design and biophilia