Bringing User Experience to Healthcare Improvement: The Concepts, Methods and Practices of Experience-based Design
Paul Bate, Glenn Robert
Publication Date
August 2007
Radcliffe Publishing
FROM AMAZON.COM: Experience Based Design (EBD) is a new way to bring about improvements in healthcare services by being user-focused. Facilities, healthcare professionals, carers, family and friends are all involved in the patient experience and systems and policies need to adapt to take this into consideration.

By exploring the underlying concepts, methods and practices of EBD, this exciting guide offers a unique approach to healthcare customer satisfaction. It offers recommendations for the future and many interesting points for discussion.

It will be of great interest to health and social care management, particularly directors of service improvement in hospitals and directors of nursing, health and social care policy makers and shapers, and quality improvement and organizational development specialists in healthcare. Patient groups and national organizations, too, will find the book inspirational.
Bringing User Experience to Healthcare Improvement
Filed under: healthcare, codesign, participatory.
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One Comment
Jeff Howard on September 12, 2010 12:22am
This is an expensive book, but it's absolutely essential reading. It's filled with fantastic insights from cover to cover and presents one of the most thorough case studies I've seen on using design (and particularly co-design) to intervene in a service.

The NHS has put together an overview of experience-based design [PDF 2.1MB] that reflects some of the themes in the book.

Bringing User Experience to Healthcare Improvement: The Concepts, Methods and Practices of Experience-based Design
By Paul Bate, Glenn Robert
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  1. Bringing the user experience to healthcare
  2. A quiet revolution in design
  3. So what's different?
  4. The intellectual roots of experience design
  5. Becoming a disciple of experience
  6. Using stories and storytelling to reveal the users'-eye view of the landscape
  7. Patterns-based design: the concept of 'design principles'
  8. Experience-based design: tools for diagnosis and intervention
  9. The 'how' of experience-based co-design: a case study for practitioners
  10. Evaluating patient experience and experience-based design
  11. Future directions for experienced-based design and user-centered improvement and innovation