Managing as Designing
FROM AMAZON.COM: Managing as Designing explores the design attitude, a focus for managerial analysis and decision making that draws on principles from architecture, art, and other areas of design. Based on a workshop associated with the opening of the Peter B. Lewis Building (designed by Frank Gehry), the book includes keynote speeches from Frank Gehry and Karl Weick.

The premise of this book is that managers should act not only as intelligence gatherers and decision makers, but also as designers. Though decision and design are inextricably linked in management action, managers and scholars have too long emphasized the decision face of management over the design face.

In a series of essays from a multitude of disciplines, the authors develop a theory of the design attitude that contrasts with the more traditionally accepted and practiced decision attitude. Their fresh view of management promises to provide a way into some of the most pressing issues facing organizational leaders today.

The contributors are from a wide variety of backgrounds including design, architecture, sociology, history, choreography, strategy, economics, music, accounting, and computer science.

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Three Comments
Jeff Howard on September 6, 2010 6:10am
They've posted the first chapter of the book over on the Case Western website. Design Matters for Management [PDF 464k] by Richard J. Boland Jr. and Fred Collopy.
Jeff Howard on September 6, 2010 6:14am
Also, Design for Thrownness [PDF 296k] by Karl Weick.
Kip Lee on April 7, 2011 3:49am
Research on management and design
Managing as Designing By Richard Boland Jr., Fred Collopy
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  1. Managing and Designing
  2. Foundations of Managing as Designing
  3. Learning from Design Practice
  4. Envisioning the Future