101 Design Methods: A Structured Approach for Driving Innovation in Your Organization
Vijay Kumar
Publication Date
October 2012
Unlike other books on the subject, 101 Design Methods approaches the practice of creating new products, services, and customer experiences as a science, rather than an art, providing a practical set of collaborative tools and methods for planning and defining successful new offerings.

Strategists, managers, designers, and researchers who undertake the challenge of innovation, despite a lack of established procedures and a high risk of failure, will find this an invaluable resource.

Novices can learn from it; managers can plan with it; and practitioners of innovation can improve the quality of their work by referring to it. http://101designmethods.com/. 
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Three Comments
Jorge Albuquerque on November 16, 2012 2:43pm
Brian on June 20, 2013 7:29am
The concept of the book is very good. But as soon as the author starts describing a case study you really get interested but then it just stops without further explanation. I much prefer a more in depth explanation of each case study just not the setup and required research but post analysis and results.
Lauren P. Hatry on July 20, 2013 10:40pm
I got the sense that that the content is not informed by design practice. The case studies seemed to academic and irrelevant to most disciplines of design. I wouldn't recommend this book for someone interested in applying the content on real-world projects. The methods could be described in much more concise way. It shows a lack of discipline in editing.
101 Design Methods: A Structured Approach for Driving Innovation in Your Organization
By Vijay Kumar
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  1. Introduction
  2. Mode 1: Sense Intent
  3. Mode 2: Know Context
  4. Mode 3: Know People
  5. Mode 4: Frame Insights
  6. Mode 5: Explore Concepts
  7. Mode 6: Frame Solutions
  8. Mode 7: Realize Offerings
  9. Credits for Example projects
  10. Index