New Service Development and Innovation in the New Economy
Despite the donnish language and dense copy, Edvardsson et al's book is a detailed and wide ranging tour of new service development techniques employed by companies, with a particular focus on how the digital economy has changed the economics of service.

The authors introduce lots of design management and new product development concepts that most designers will be unaware of, and then start exploring how their application to the design of services changes their structure and features. Again, lots of case studies and engaging powerpoint style diagrams give you something to latch on to — my copy bristles with post-its and I've referred to it many times during projects.

New Service Development and Innovation in the New Economy
Filed under: new service development, innovation, digital, service, management, case studies.
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One Comment
Fabian Segelström on June 24, 2010 12:27pm
Interesting read on how product companies have redefined themselves as service companies. It has previously been used as an introductionary book to a service perspective for the service design students here in Linköping. Readers should be aware that the service management use of the term service design is much narrower than the design version. I'd say the term "New Service Development" roughly corresponds to what we call service design.

A key phrase from Nick's orgininal text above is "introduce", as it is an overview book (see note on copy below).

A few words on the copy: Studentlitteratur is a Swedish publishing house which specializes in course literature for university, with their books being written with that specific purpose. And the print being adapted according to the student target group; price is more valued than high quality print or type set. Formulations are usually adapted for an easy and quick read as well (although this specific book is less so than their general publications).

New Service Development and Innovation in the New Economy
By Bo Edvardsson, Anders Gustafsson, Michael D. Johnson, Bodil Sanden
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