Design at Your Service
Xenia Viladas
Publication Date
May 2011
Index Books
FROM AMAZON.COM: Service design is a new discipline which allows us to effectively set up an offer consisting of both tangible and intangible elements, through the combined use of methodologies and knowledge which come from design and social sciences.

This book examines the rise in service design as a discipline, reviews its main tools and proposes a model where design can give value in each and every one of the phases of a new service developing process.

The aim of this text is to at least stimulate interest among members of both groups: companies and entrepreneurs, who hopefully, will have a clear idea of why, how and when a designer can help them improve their business idea after reading this. Also Professional designers, who may see an opportunity for a big future in the design of specialised services.
Design at Your Service Filed under: service design, design management.
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Four Comments
Paulo Peres on February 5, 2012 2:12pm
Excellent book. Didatic. Fast and very expositive. With idéas, cases and a concepts In short way.
Ricardo Salvador on June 4, 2012 8:35pm
Excellent book! Very expositive and with a lot of cases.
Teresa Jular PĂ©rez-Alfaro on April 14, 2014 8:08pm
A real discovery, this book! After reading it in 2010, I transformed the Strategic Plan for my design company, and two years after, I transformed myself. Writed by a Spanish designer and teacher.
Olga on October 12, 2014 12:33pm
Design at Your Service By Xenia Viladas
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