Touchpoint: The Journal of Service Design
Birgit Mager
Publication Date
May 2009
Service Design Network
The SDN Service Design Journal, Touchpoint, was launched in May 2009. Touchpoint is the first journal on service design worldwide and is published by the Service Design Network in Cologne with Professor Birgit Mager as editor in chief and Shelley Evenson on the editorial board.

The first issue entitled What is Service Design? explored the basics of service design and aimed at creating a forum for discussion and debate among service organizations, professionals, academics, students and educators. Birgit Mager, Oliver King, Lavrans Lovlie, Fran Samalionis and Marcel Zwiers were among the contributors to the first edition. The journal features news and trends, interviews, insightful discussions and case studies.

Subsequent editions have dealt with topics such as Healthcare, Behavioural Change, the Business Impact of Service Design and a recap of the 2009 SDN conference.

Back issues and subscriptions are available through the website of the Service Design Network.

Touchpoint Filed under: servicedesign, education, practice, casestudies.
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One Comment
Jeff Howard on September 29, 2010 10:10pm
Here's the link to Touchpoint at the Service Design Network. Back issues are 12.80 euros and subscriptions are 33 euros annually.
Touchpoint: The Journal of Service Design
By Birgit Mager
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