Content Strategy for the Web
Kristina Halvorson
Publication Date
August 2009
New Riders Press
FROM AMAZON.COM: If your website content is out of date, off-brand, and out of control, you're missing a huge opportunity to engage, convert, and retain customers online.

Redesigning your home page won't help.

Investing in a new content management system won't fix it, either.

So, where do you start? Without meaningful content, your website isn't worth much to your key audiences.

But creating (and caring for) "meaningful" content is far more complicated than we're often willing to acknowledge. Content Strategy for the Web explains how to create and deliver useful, usable content for your online audiences, when and where they need it most. It also shares content best practices so you can get your next website redesign right, on time and on budget. For the first time, you'll:
  • See content strategy (and its business value) explained in plain language
  • Find out why so many web projects implode in the content development phase .. and how to avoid the associated, unnecessary costs and delays
  • Learn how to audit and analyze your content
  • Make smarter, achievable decisions about which content to create and how
  • Find out how to maintain consistent, accurate, compelling content over time
  • Get solid, practical advice on staffing for content-related roles and responsibilities
  • Content Strategy for the Web
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    One Comment
    Matt Lewis on September 7, 2010 3:15pm
    This book was written for the web in mind but continues to offer much value for content strategy in general. Apply all the same rules to the task at hand and begin to understand the direction and strategy of the content involved.
    Content Strategy for the Web
    By Kristina Halvorson
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