The Ten Principles Behind Great Customer Experiences
Matt Watkinson
Publication Date
January 2013
FT Press
FROM AMAZON.COM: Overall WINNERCMI Management Book of the Year 2014

WINNER — Innovation & Entrepreneurship Category at the CMI Awards 2014

Create a great customer experience whoever you are.

Customers are powerful. They have a loud voice, a wealth of choice and their expectations are higher than ever.

This book covers ten principles you can use to make real world improvements to your customers' experiences, whatever your business does and whoever you are.

For managers, leaders and those starting a new business, the book shows that making improvements customers will appreciate doesn't need to be complicated or cost a fortune.

The Ten Principles Behind Great Customer Experiences
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One Comment
Jeanette Sjoberg on May 22, 2015 8:17pm
this book is pretty straight forward--it outlines 10 key principles you can design for any interaction--internal or external therefore applicable to customers, employees, partners etc. it truly makes you think about the design of the interaction. Many processes designs would fail if thinking about the series of interactions they are connected to--it would be clear if the designed processes are or are not meeting the customers desired outcome or super objective. The author is approachable and I have emailed him with a few questions, observations etc and got great responses. He is passionate about his topic.
The Ten Principles Behind Great Customer Experiences
By Matt Watkinson
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